Cultivating Enchantment

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Ahoy Cancer Season

Here on Earth, Summer has officially begun. The sun has risen to it's peak and with it the grass, flowers, and trees are ripe with life and vibrant color. However, the warm nights and sweltering hot days inspire us to leave green shores for the comfort of cool blue waters.

We splash, we play, and enjoy the light of the sun's rays dapple dancing along the shores. And somewhere along the way, we feel ourselves being called forth by the Water’s rhythmic sounds to reflect, to feel and to dive below the "truth" we see on the surface.

Within the Cosmos, the Moon now takes her place upon the Cosmic throne. From June 21st - July 22nd, the influence of the Moon beckons us to embrace the powers of our subconscious, to let our emotions flow and to embrace our inner knowing.

The cardinal Water element + intuitive, motherly energy of the Moon + the Summer's energy of shining our light and living to the fullest = An emotionally packed POWERHOUSE of a sign that is ready to CRUSH their goals and create a legacy!

Ahoy! It's Cancer Season!

Now if you weren’t blessed to be born under the sign of the crab, let your worries slip away, for we can all harness the power of Cancer season regardless of whether Cancer has a placement within your own birth chart.

Harnessing the Power of Cancer Season

Honor Your "Home"

Within astrology, each sign is said to be the natural ruler of a particular astrological house. According to Nina Kahn, Astrology For Life, "while signs represent how a planet's energy is expressed, houses dictate where in our lives the planets' and signs' energy expresses the most.

So far we have experienced:

  •  1st House of Self- Personality- Identity - Initiative ruled by Aries

  • 2nd House of Values - Worth - Money - Possessions ruled by Taurus

  • 3rd House of Communication - Thinking - Environment - Transportation ruled by Gemini

Now as we enter Cancer season, we may feel ourselves pulled to honor the 4th house of Family - Home- Memories - Foundations.

The fourth house represents our "home", Not just the both the material but the emotional security that allows us to be our full selves. As such Family, whether born or created, plays a significant role in the life of any Cancer.

In addition, the 4th house rules over our memories and foundations, and therefore Cancer can be heavily influenced by the thoughts, beliefs and actions that have been established through their own adolescence.

We can tap into Cancer energy by bringing awareness to what makes us feel "at home". Is it a place? A person/peoples?  And what can you do to cultivate both the physical spaces and the relationships in which we feel safe, secure, and free to express our full selves?

Embrace Your Rhythms

"Everything Flows, out and in. All things rise and fall. The pendulum swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left" - The Universal Law of Rhythm.

That which is true with the Universe, is true with the self.

Each of us has rhythms…a never ending cycle of birth, growth, and death. This is true of our energy, our experiences, the chapters within our lives - all that we are contains and is based in rhythms.

Now because Cancer is ruled by the Moon, the astrological body most associated with rhythms and phases, Cancer has the natural ability to embrace the patterns within themselves. This gives Cancer an edge over those who may not know not to swim against the tide. Cancer knows to wait patiently to be carried towards what they desire.

You can harness Cancer energy by

  • Becoming aware of your own energetic patterns.

  • Consciously working with practices, such as Moon Magic, that align yourself with a natural rhythm.

Swim the Depths of Your Emotion

“The ocean is full of treasure for those willing to swim the depths.”

Within the realms of mysticism, Water is the element which represents our emotion.

Cancer's are regarded as the most emotionally intelligent of all the signs. Not afraid to wade, or swim, through the currant of their emotions.

Not only does this create better understanding of ourselves but allows us to connect with others on a deeper level.

In addition, their proclivity for emotion makes Cancer a powerful energy to tap into when practicing the magic of Manifestation. What we choose to manifest is based largely in how we believe we will feel once we receive what we desire. i.e. It's not the new car we want, it's the FEELING of security of a car that won't break down, it's the FEELING of freedom as we cruise down the road, it may even be the FEELINGS of satisfaction and success that we picture ourselves experiences when we pull up next to someone who thought we would never make it.

To harness Cancer energy - FEEL.

When we allow ourselves to acknowledge and experience our emotions rather than pushing them away or entrapping them in trunk and casting it to the depths of our subconscious, we empower ourselves to work with the currant of those emotions to bring us closer to what we desire.

Know Where Your Loyalties Lie

One thing which never shifts for a Cancer - Loyalty. Once someone or something makes their way past the external shell and snapping claws, they’ll be treasured by that Cancer forever.

Loyalty is defined as “strong support or allegiance”. Most often we see loyalty associated with another, but we can be loyal to a myriad of things - oneself, an ideal, a goal, a community, an organization and yes of course to our loved ones.

To align with Cancer energy, we simply need to not be wishy-washy about our loyalties. Know what and with whom our loyalties lie, and then stand in our loyalties through both our intentions and actions.

Practice Self Love

The moon, Cancer's ruling Planet, is seen as the Mother of our cosmic reality. Like it's ruling planet, Cancer energy is nurturing, kind, and compassionate to their beloveds.

We can tap into Cancer energy by applying the same kindness and compassion that we would apply to others, towards ourselves. Simply put we can align ourselves with Cancer energy by practicing Self Love.

Now, I realize that Self Love has become a buzz term but it’s so much more than those times that you “Treat Your Self.”

Self Love is the prioritization of one’s own health, well-being and happiness.

By practicing self love, we claim back our power. We gain the ability to see one’s self as someone worthy of receiving love, kindness, and compassion; That we are worthy of our own patience, understanding and forgiveness. And lastly, Self Love helps us witness our own growth and potential. Making it easier to invest in ourselves and by doing so make us more capable of investing in the world around us.

Trust Your Intuition

“The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” - Albert Einstein

Each of us has an inner knowing. An ability to suss out the truth of situation or take the path which is aligned to us, even if our logic says otherwise. This is the gift of Intuition. Often considered the 6th sense, intuition is often undervalued because unlike the other 5 sense, Intuition can not be quantified by material means.

How does it work?

Hypothetically Intuition may be a form of communication of the unconscious mind; a compilation of our higher brain function that allows us to examine patterns so quickly that we are not consciously aware of the signals are body is reading and therefor can not apply logic resulting in a simple “knowing”.

Another theory is that the intuition are nudges from a higher power, or purpose. Of course this involves an element of the supernatural, so in some practices, Intuition is considered a magic.

Trusting our intuition leads to greater levels of satisfaction in one’s life because regardless of how you believe it to work, Intuition helps us create a life that reflects ALL of ourselves, not just certain pieces.

Cancer energy is naturally Intuitive. As an emotional sign and one ruled by the Moon, Cancer’s spend a great deal of time reflecting upon themselves and their own feelings. This makes it easier for those with this sign to trust their own “gut feelings” about what will be best for themselves.

To harness Cancer energy, trust your intuition.

No one knows you better than you know yourself, which means no one can create a life that best reflects your dreams and desires more than yourself.

Trust those nudges, trust your intuition.

Say No

Cancer's are notorious for their thick armor and snapping pinchers ready to defend themselves against what may be a potential threat. And as frustrating as it can seem to those not of this star sign, it's actually a natural blessing in disguise.

Cancer's know how to say NO. To stand their ground, not back down, and be ready to defend what they believe to be in their best interests.

We can each harness Cancer energy by again tapping into that intuition and saying NO to anything that feels out of alignment with our higher selves and/or our purpose.


Before the development of the Gregorian Calendar, the people’s of this Earth worked with the moon to measure the passing time. The makes the Moon the original Time keeper. Combine the Moon’s influence with Cancer's natural reign of the 4th house, and you’ll be called forth to answer the question,

What is your legacy?

Pondering this question is the first step to consciously creating the legacy we wish to leave when our time in this incarnation is up.

To align with Cancer energy, answer the questions,

If I am to stay on my current path, what do I believe my legacy would be at this moment?

Is this the contribution I want to make to this world? To be remembered for?

Where can I shift to flow more naturally to the legacy I desire?

Words of Caution

Like all signs, Cancer too has shadow qualities to watch our for when working with the energy of this sign.

  1. Cancer is the sign of the Crab, so it should come as no surprise that Cancer’s are infamous for their moodiness, and often “crabbiness”.

  2. As a water sign, Cancer is a very emotional sign. Be cautious when working with this energy so that you will not be overwhelmed by the emotions that may come up. Think dipping toes in the water and wading rather than doing a cannon ball.

    Allow yourself time to feel, reflect and process what you discover in the depths, before moving on.

  3. Cancer’s are Intuitive signs, expect criticism from those around you who operate from a place of logic.

So, what do you get when you add the cardinal Water element + intuitive, motherly energy of the Moon + Summer's energy of shining our light and living to the fullest = An emotionally packed POWERHOUSE of a sign that is ready to CRUSH their goals and create a legacy!

Ahoy! It's Cancer Season!

Regardless of whether you have Cancer in your own birth chart, by setting the intention and choosing to act upon some of these aligning strategies, we can all harness the goal crushing energy of Cancer Season.

Are you feeling aligned with Cancer energy yet?

Need more inspiration?

Come follow me on Instagram where I am sharing my own Cancer aligning practices on stories all Cancer season!

And until next time,


Randi Ruby

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